
Tuesday 26 April 2016

ICC suspends Cricket Association of Nepal

ICC suspends Cricket Association of Nepal 

The ICC has Phased maned the Cricket Association of Nepal (CAN) in perspective of government obstruction in the board. The ICC took the choice amid its executive meeting on Tuesday.

In December, Nepal's National Sports Council (NSC) had framed an improm
ptu board to run the CAN. This happened not long after Chatur Bahadur Chand was chosen the CAN's leader in questionable yearly broad meeting - which was not went to by its then president Tanka Angbuhang - without the NSC's consent. The Chand-drove CAN group then documented a court case, which is as yet pending, testing the NSC's choice.

 set up by the Nepalese National Sports Council (NSC), which has prompted a vacuum of cricket authority in Nepal, the Board suspended the Membership of CAN for break of Article 2.9 of the ICC's Articles of Association, which precludes government impedance and requires free and reasonable races," the ICC said in an announcement.

The ICC load up included the CAN turns out to be free of government impedance and is legitimately organized to start misusing the huge cricket ability and opportunities that exist in Nepal."

While the suspension will cut off ICC financing for the CAN, the ICC board chose that Nepal national groups could keep on featuringwork with the Nepalese cricket group, and different partners, keeping in mind the end goal to help with the advancement of a maintainable administration and organization structure for cricket in Nepal."

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